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Barcelos, cidade às margens do Rio Negro, no Amazonas. |
Há um Brasil a ser descoberto. O território de paisagens paradisíacas convida a outros ancoradouros com tons e matizes que se entrelaçam à riqueza da fauna e flora. É um Brasil Original - com a trama da miscigenação - onde sua gente é sua identidade, o maior patrimônio. Mistura de raças, enlaces de línguas, ecos de sotaques, profusão de ritos e tradições. Saberes, ofícios e heranças que o tornam ainda mais precioso.
pelo manto verde da floresta e banhado por rios caudalosos, o Brasil Original carrega digitais
ancestrais. Está mapeado nas mãos de artesãos amazonenses que habitam
comunidades indígenas e ribeirinhas das cidades de São Gabriel da Cachoeira,
Barcelos, Manaus e Tefé. Homens e mulheres orgulhosos de suas origens culturais
formatam na fusão do design com o artesanato objetos inspirados em recortes do
entorno, elaborados sob a tessitura das histórias que transitam entre o real e
matéria-prima vem da natureza que os abraça: fibras vegetais colhidas, tingidas
e entrelaçadas obedecendo memórias. Piaçava, uambé e tucum estruturam vasos,
fruteiras e luminárias. Cada peça exalta o vínculo com a floresta na estética
que evoca o cotidiano e as crenças seculares. Para além da forma e função, os objetos
são códigos. Emitem o calor da execução, o brilho dos olhos de artesãos que
sonham em alargar horizontes sem perder os laços de pertencimento. São elos. Unem
a alma e o coração dos indígenas e ribeirinhos, aninham ancestralidade e narram
o exotismo da cultura mestiça. A trama de força hipnótica revela uma gente de
fibra, a raiz da brasilidade. Descubra.
[English Text]
Discover the Original Brazil
[English Text]
Discover the Original Brazil
There are an undiscovered Brazil. The territory of paradisaical
landscapes invites the other roads with shades and hues that intertwine the
richness of fauna and flora. Is an Original Brazil-with the plot of
miscegenation-where your people are your identity, a great asset. Mixture of
races, languages, links from echoes of accents, profusion of rites and
traditions. Knowledge, crafts and inheritances that make it even more precious.
Oxygenated by the green forest cloak and bathed by rivers, the Original digital loads Brazil ancestors. Is mapped into the hands of artisans people, inhabiting coastal indigenous communities and the cities of São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Barcelos, Manaus and Tefé. Men and women proud of their cultural origins in the fusion of design format with handicraft objects inspired by the surrounding images, drawn up under the stories that move between the real and imaginary.
The raw material comes from nature that embraces: harvested vegetable fibers dyed and intertwined obeying memories. Vases and lampshades are conceptualized with piassava, uambé and tucum fruit. Each piece celebrates the bond with the forest on aesthetic that evokes the daily lives and secular beliefs. Beyond form and function, the objects are codes. Emit the heat from running, the gleam in the eye of artisans who dream of extending horizons without losing the ties of belonging. It are linked. Join the heart and soul of the indigenous and bordering, nest ancestry and narrate the exoticism of the mestizo culture. The plot of hypnotic force reveals a people of fiber, the root of all things Brazilian. Discover.
Oxygenated by the green forest cloak and bathed by rivers, the Original digital loads Brazil ancestors. Is mapped into the hands of artisans people, inhabiting coastal indigenous communities and the cities of São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Barcelos, Manaus and Tefé. Men and women proud of their cultural origins in the fusion of design format with handicraft objects inspired by the surrounding images, drawn up under the stories that move between the real and imaginary.
The raw material comes from nature that embraces: harvested vegetable fibers dyed and intertwined obeying memories. Vases and lampshades are conceptualized with piassava, uambé and tucum fruit. Each piece celebrates the bond with the forest on aesthetic that evokes the daily lives and secular beliefs. Beyond form and function, the objects are codes. Emit the heat from running, the gleam in the eye of artisans who dream of extending horizons without losing the ties of belonging. It are linked. Join the heart and soul of the indigenous and bordering, nest ancestry and narrate the exoticism of the mestizo culture. The plot of hypnotic force reveals a people of fiber, the root of all things Brazilian. Discover.