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Piazza Del Duomo: coração de Milão. |
Agora, quando o Salão Satélite celebra 20 anos, uma mostra comemorativa na Fabrica Del Vapore reúne designers por ele projetados e apresentados ao mundo do Design. Cá estou entre os escolhidos, como filho pródigo que à casa torna. É uma honraria ser parte integrante desta edição comemorativa e dividir a mesma exposição ao lado de nomes que têm a minha admiração e respeito. Cada detalhe tem sabor de premiação pela insistência de acreditar e de concretizar sonhos. O Banco Ianomâmi volta à cena, como se nunca dela tivesse ficado ausente. Faz sala com o Tapete Marakatu (desenvolvido com exclusividade para a By Kamy) e a Cadeira Pirarucu, de trama artesanal ainda fresca para o lançamento. O fio da cultura que tomei como matéria-prima ata cada peça.
É o mesmo fio de urdidura das peças que estão no Brazil S/A, na simbólica Universitá Degli Studi Di Milano, e na exposição “Brasile Meticcio”. Outro presente que Milão me reserva, com endereço na Galleria Paola Colombari. Com curadoria e expertise de Paola Colomabari em colaboração com Neia Paz, a mostra expõe através do design com minha assinatura o Brasil de dimensão continental e multicultural. Convida à imersão na formação social que reside na mistura de povos e desdobra-se em tons de pele, enlace de línguas, dialetos, saberes ancestrais e costumes. Um Brasil mestiço. De indígenas, europeus e afrodescendentes que estruturam a matriz da nação com características únicas, oriundas da fusão das referências identitárias. O feito à mão é a digital que valoriza os ofícios herdados dos antepassados. Cada produto narra história, resgata memória e celebra laços de pertencimentos. Design com a aura da mestiçagem que carrego. Para os olhos de Milão e do mundo. Sou grato por estar aqui e agora.
[ English Text ]
Back to the beginning
breathe Milan air. One more Design Week and the feeling is of lightness,
confort and belonging. This time is like coming back home to hug memories, dive
on time and on the magical atmosphere that packs all principles of dreams. I
rewind my professional trajectory. I do an inverse course where the past,
astute, is still able to unwrap all the novelties and emotions that consolidate
the present. I stop at an obligatory stop: The Satellite Saloon. In it, it
orbits my start and the tracing of a story that began to take shape seven years
ago. It was my business card. At the invitation of the director Marva Griffin I
took the place in the select space dedicated to the talent of the young
designers of the five continents. Who could, at the beginning of their career,
want more?
when the Satellite Saloon celebrates 20 years, a commemorative exhibition at
Fabrica Del Vapore brings together designers and presented them to the world of
Design. Here am I among the chosen ones, like the prodigal son that the house
makes. It is an honor to be an integral part of this commemorative edition and
to share the same exhibition alongside names that have my admiration and
respect. Every detail has a taste of awarding for the insistence of believing
and realizing dreams. The Yanomami Bench returns to the scene as if it had
never been absent. It makes room with the Marakatu Carpet (exclusively
developed by By Kamy) and the Pirarucu Chair, made of handmade fabric still
fresh for launch. The thread of the culture I took as raw material binds each
It is the same warp thread of the pieces that are in Brazil S / A, in the symbolic Universitá Degli Studi Di Milano, and in the exhibition "Brasile Meticcio". Another gift that Milan reserves for me, with an address at Galleria Paola Colombari. With curatorship and expertise of Paola Colomabari in collaboration with Neia Paz, the exhibition exposes through the design with my signature the Brazil of continental and multicultural dimension. It invites a immersion in the social formation that resides in the mixture of peoples and unfolds in tones of skin, link of languages, dialects, ancestral knowledge and customs. A mestizo Brazil. Of indigenous, European and Afro-descendants that structure the nation's matrix with unique characteristics, originating from the fusion of the identity references. The handmade is the digital that values the trades inherited from the ancestors. Each product narrates history, rescues memory and celebrates ties of belonging. Design with the aura of miscegenation that I carry. For the eyes of Milan and the world. I'm grateful to be here and now.
It is the same warp thread of the pieces that are in Brazil S / A, in the symbolic Universitá Degli Studi Di Milano, and in the exhibition "Brasile Meticcio". Another gift that Milan reserves for me, with an address at Galleria Paola Colombari. With curatorship and expertise of Paola Colomabari in collaboration with Neia Paz, the exhibition exposes through the design with my signature the Brazil of continental and multicultural dimension. It invites a immersion in the social formation that resides in the mixture of peoples and unfolds in tones of skin, link of languages, dialects, ancestral knowledge and customs. A mestizo Brazil. Of indigenous, European and Afro-descendants that structure the nation's matrix with unique characteristics, originating from the fusion of the identity references. The handmade is the digital that values the trades inherited from the ancestors. Each product narrates history, rescues memory and celebrates ties of belonging. Design with the aura of miscegenation that I carry. For the eyes of Milan and the world. I'm grateful to be here and now.
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Sérgio Matos: "Milão é um marco na minha história profissional". (Foto: Thayse Gomes)
![]() Cadeira Chita. |
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Cadeira Cobra Coral.
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