anos da abertura do Estúdio: história marcada pela identidade regional dos
produtos e premiações. (Foto:Wellington Jan)
Intenso novembro. De novos projetos, de novas rotas e experiências com o
design. O mês é também de celebração dos quatro anos de aniversário do estúdio.
Marca de uma história agraciada por prêmios nacionais e internacionais que
proclamam o reconhecimento do trabalho com os pés na identidade do Brasil que
não me canso de descobrir. Novembro de dias tomados pelos rabiscos, traços,
formas, cores, tramas, texturas e materiais sobre a mesa. De malas sempre prontas,
viagens, aeroportos e participações em feiras (as recentes MADE – Mercado, Arte
e Design e Parte – Feira de Arte Contemporânea) que abrem portas para o design
brasileiro ser visto e apreciado pelo público de casa e do além mar.
O mês corre vigoroso e voraz. Está quase pela metade e faço uma reflexão
sobre o que a agenda ainda me reserva. Mas, o melhor, é degustar a satisfação
com o já realizado nestes dias de acenos positivos e emoções dirigidas aos
produtos impregnados de memórias. Elas que perpetuam histórias da nossa cultura
tão vasta e rica em técnicas ancestrais que resistem pelas mãos das comunidades
artesãs. Novembro para saborear o design com o tempero da brasilidade. Novembro
da estreia do Armorial Design Group, coletivo que integro cheio de
orgulho ao lado dos designers Rodrigo Almeida, Zanini de Zanine e Rodrigo
Ambrosio para fomentar o repertório da cultura material nordestina. Mergulhamos
nas referências do Movimento Armorial de Ariano Suassuna e guardo detalhes da
magnitude deste projeto para o próximo post. Respiro novembro e sinto o ar da
regionalidade mais presente do que nunca.
[English Text]
Celebration days with Design
Intense november. Of new projects, new routes and experiences with the design. The month is also a celebration of the four-year anniversary of the studio. Mark of a history graced by national and international awards that proclaims the recognition of footwork on the identity of Brazil I never tire of discovering it. November days, taken by sketches, lines, shapes, colors, weaves, textures and materials on table. With my suitcase always ready, travel, airports and participation in fairs (recently MADE - Market, Art and Design and Part - Contemporary Art Fair) that opens doors for Brazilian design be seen and appreciated by the home public and by the ones beyond the sea.
The month goes vigorous and voracious. It is nearly in half and I am making a reflection on what the schedule still holds for me. However, the best is to enjoy the satisfaction with the ever accomplished in these days of positive signs and emotions, targeting products impregnated with memory. Are they who perpetuates our culture so vast and rich in ancient techniques that resists by the hands of the artisan communities. November to savor design with spice of Brazilianness. November of debut of Armorial Design Group, collective I integrate full of pride alongside designers Rodrigo Almeida, Zanini de Zanine and Rodrigo Ambrosio to promote the repertoire of Northeastern material culture. We dove in to references of the Armorial Movement of Ariano Suassuna, and I save details of the magnitude of this project to the next post. I breathe November and feel the air of rationality much present than ever.
[English Text]
Celebration days with Design
Intense november. Of new projects, new routes and experiences with the design. The month is also a celebration of the four-year anniversary of the studio. Mark of a history graced by national and international awards that proclaims the recognition of footwork on the identity of Brazil I never tire of discovering it. November days, taken by sketches, lines, shapes, colors, weaves, textures and materials on table. With my suitcase always ready, travel, airports and participation in fairs (recently MADE - Market, Art and Design and Part - Contemporary Art Fair) that opens doors for Brazilian design be seen and appreciated by the home public and by the ones beyond the sea.
The month goes vigorous and voracious. It is nearly in half and I am making a reflection on what the schedule still holds for me. However, the best is to enjoy the satisfaction with the ever accomplished in these days of positive signs and emotions, targeting products impregnated with memory. Are they who perpetuates our culture so vast and rich in ancient techniques that resists by the hands of the artisan communities. November to savor design with spice of Brazilianness. November of debut of Armorial Design Group, collective I integrate full of pride alongside designers Rodrigo Almeida, Zanini de Zanine and Rodrigo Ambrosio to promote the repertoire of Northeastern material culture. We dove in to references of the Armorial Movement of Ariano Suassuna, and I save details of the magnitude of this project to the next post. I breathe November and feel the air of rationality much present than ever.
Lateral Xique-Xique: em 2011 arrebata o Prêmio Excellence Brazil.
Carambola na loja Paul French (Buenos Aires): prêmio iF Product Design Award
2012 na Alemanha.
Marakatu By Kamy: Menção Honrosa do Museu da Casa Brasileira em 2012.
Poltrona Acaú: destaque do Estúdio na edição 2014 da MADE, em São Paulo.
lançada na MADE a Poltrona Arreio é a primeira peça do Estúdio para
o Armorial Design Group.
Luminária Roda Pião desenvolvida para o Clube dos Colecionadores do MAM (2014).
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