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O Mundo do Sertão: iluminogravura de Ariano Suassuna (1983), idealizador do Movimento Armorial. |
Aonde o design me leva? A caminhos surpreendentes. Desta vez, me conduz ao Nordeste Armorial, onde a voz mansa do mestre Ariano Suassuna ainda ecoa ao proclamar as bases do Movimento Armorial criado nos anos 70. A viagem a este universo povoado de elementos da cultura popular divido ao lado dos designers Rodrigo Ambrosio, Zanini de Zanine e Rodrigo Almeida. Juntos, integramos o Armorial Design Group para experimentarmos o design a partir das referências do artesanato regional entranhado de signos e símbolos da vida pública e privada.
O coletivo
cavalga o território do Nordeste da arte erudita com os olhos na
contemporaneidade. Nosso ponto de partida é o curtume. O couro que
multiplica-se em objetos do cotidiano e traz à tona a beleza e os ofícios que
os tornam únicos pelo valor artesanal. Voltamos no tempo, metaforicamente, para
entender os sertões e as memórias neles contidas forradas com peles de animais.
Deciframos códigos e a poesia pontuada e gravada no couro com assinaturas como
a dos artesãos Espedito Seleiro, no Ceará, e de Biagio Grisi, na Paraíba.
A inspiração
transborda e a atmosfera armorial impregna nossos primeiros exemplares exibidos
na recente edição da Made – Mercado, Arte e Design, em São Paulo, oficializando
a existência do grupo. Fiz apear a criação na “Poltrona Arreio”. As
barrigueiras para atar a sela ao corpo do cavalo é matéria-prima que contorna e
afivela o aço na composição de uma nova estética e função. No desenho da peça
de mobiliário as cintas de couro mantêm o elo com a regionalidade e guardam na
essência um repertório de histórias inerentes às tradições que resistem ao
[English Text]
By the paths of Armorial Design
Where design leads me? The surprising paths.
This time, leads me to the Northeast Armorial, where the quiet voice of the
master Ariano Suassuna still echoes to proclaim the foundation of the Armorial
Movement created in the 70s. The trip to this universe filled with elements of
popular culture I divide alongside designers Rodrigo Ambrosio, Zanini de Zanine and Rodrigo Almeida. Together, we
integrate the Armorial Design Group
to experience the design references from the regional crafts tangled with signs
and symbols of public and private life.
The collective rides the Northeast High Art with contemporary eyes. Our starting point is the tannery. The leather that multiplies in everyday objects and brings out the beauty and crafts that makes them unique by handcrafted value. Back in time, metaphorically, to understand the hinterlands and the memories contained therein lined with animal skins. We deciphered codes and the poetry marked and engraved on the leather with the signature as craftspeople Espedito Saddler, Ceará, and Biagio Grisi, in Paraiba.
The inspiration is overflowing and armorial atmosphere pervades our first pieces shown in the recent edition of Made - Market, Art and Design in Sao Paulo, formalizing the group's existence. I did appear the creation of the "Chair Harness". The saddler trappings to tie the saddle to the horse's body is the raw material that surrounds and buckles with the steel in the composition of a new aesthetics and function. In designing the piece of furniture, leather straps keep the link with the regionalism and keep the essence of a repertoire of stories attached to traditions that resist time.
The collective rides the Northeast High Art with contemporary eyes. Our starting point is the tannery. The leather that multiplies in everyday objects and brings out the beauty and crafts that makes them unique by handcrafted value. Back in time, metaphorically, to understand the hinterlands and the memories contained therein lined with animal skins. We deciphered codes and the poetry marked and engraved on the leather with the signature as craftspeople Espedito Saddler, Ceará, and Biagio Grisi, in Paraiba.
The inspiration is overflowing and armorial atmosphere pervades our first pieces shown in the recent edition of Made - Market, Art and Design in Sao Paulo, formalizing the group's existence. I did appear the creation of the "Chair Harness". The saddler trappings to tie the saddle to the horse's body is the raw material that surrounds and buckles with the steel in the composition of a new aesthetics and function. In designing the piece of furniture, leather straps keep the link with the regionalism and keep the essence of a repertoire of stories attached to traditions that resist time.
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Poltrona Arreio, do designer Sérgio Matos: barrigueiras de cavalo são matéria-prima. |
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Luminária Carcará, por Rodrigo Almeida: peça de couro assinada por Espedito Seleiro e fibra natural.
Banco Bode Véio, de Rodrigo Ambrosio: a rusticidade marca a estética do design armorial.
Gostaria de conhecer a linha de produtos do grupo, para possivelmente especificar em um projeto de hotel. Qual o contato para conversarmos? Obrigada,
ResponderExcluirBoa tarde Mariana.
ExcluirPode mandar um e-mail para studiosergiojmatos@gmail.com ou ligar no (83) 3066-4390 ou (83) 99920-3166.
Sérgio J. Matos